High Alkaline Vegetarian Diet

vegetarians eat healthy alkaline vegetables and fruits to help control type 2 diabetes

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 Eating a high alkaline vegetarian diet can help prevent disease.  It is estimated nearly 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, are related to diet. Nutritionists know that eating a high alkaline vegetarian diet reduces the risk for chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and esophageal cancer. Eating a high alkaline vegetarian diet is much more healthful than the average American meat-based diet, particularly in preventing, treating or reversing heart disease and reducing the risk of cancer.

 Then why is disease so rampant in the modern world?

There are whole industries that are built on our poor eating habits. The economy, jobs and billions of dollars of profit lie in the balance as we commit dietary suicide. The manufacturing and processing of refined foods provide thousands of jobs at the expense of our health. The prescription drug business is booming. They make a financial killing off of our dietary ignorance. We eat for taste and we don’t want to wait long to eat it. Fast food chains aren’t concerned about your blood glucose levels or your triglyceride count. Sodium packed, high starch and fat-filled meals have become the norm for today’s fast paced world.


A low-fat vegetarian diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely. Cardiovascular disease kills 1 million Americans annually and is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a division of the CDC, the National Center for Health Statistics, 64 percent of adults and 15 percent of children aged 6 to 19 are overweight and are at risk of weight-related ailments including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It is essential to the quality of your life to eat an abundance of nutrients found in veggies and fruits every chance that you get. 

Eating lots of alkaline foods will help to balance the already acid-dominant diet of most Americans. Eating alkaline foods eliminates the body having to rob its own bones and teeth for needed minerals to maintain a slightly alkaline state. Eating a high alkaline foods diet appears to be what most researchers recommend to people: eat a diet high in veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds! It is a anti-diabetes, anti-heart disease and anti-cancer diet design by nature to keep your immune system and vital organs running at top levels. Men who eat a diet high in meat tend to develop erectile function problems earlier than men who eat a diet high in unrefined plant foods.

A low animal fat, high alkaline food diet can help you lose weight and build self-esteem. A study conducted from 1986 to 1992 by Dean Ornish, MD, president, and director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, found that overweight people who followed a low-fat, vegetarian diet lost an average of 24 pounds in the first year and kept off that weight 5 years later. Our body is designed to operate best with a plant-based diet or at least a diet HIGH in the consumption of plant foods. Eating whole natural foods are exactly what our body demands to revitalize itself! The phytonutrients needed to energize our cells are found only in living veggies and fruits.

Eating a high acid diet is not good for maintaining optimal health. High acid foods are foods such as meat and dairy. We need to eat an alkaline diet of 60 – 80% veggies and fruits. Michael F. Roizen, MD, author of The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat. states that “People who consume saturated, four-legged fat have a shorter life span and more disability at the end of their lives. Animal products clog your arteries, zap your energy and slow down your immune system. Meat eaters also experience accelerated cognitive and sexual dysfunction at a younger age.”


Complementing your alkaline diet with lots of beans is an excellent step toward balancing your healthy eating style. Focusing on fiber intake is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and should be an important part of every meal to help prevent gastrointestinal disorders. Eating a high fiber diet along with high alkaline food consumption is a must if you are interested in a diet that promotes anti-aging. And if you want to control body fat and blood sugar levels then eating beans and a wide assortment of veggies should be a priority in your diet. 


 Grains have been an important part of the human diet for thousands of years. Early man cultivated grains such as wheat, oats, barley and rice for their early survival. It allowed large civilizations to grow and feed themselves without having to worry about hunting animals. All that was needed was fertile soil and lots of water to insure a plentiful crop of food for both people and the animals that they were raising. Grain was necessary to sustain people who were constantly doing physical labor.as a way to provide housing and food for their families.

There was once a time when humans got more exercise daily than we do now so I recommend keeping your grain intake to a minimum if any at all. Many people are beginning to avoid eating any grains and rice. These people believe that grains such as wheat is toxic in the human body and that it was never meant for human consumption. Today, we have the option of doing a good google search to find the answers to questions that we may have.

The Age of Breakfast Cereal

The Kellogg brothers of Battle Creek, Michigan were big advocates of a high fiber diet during the late 1800s. At that time Americans ate a breakfast high in beef and pork. The brothers taught healthy nutrition at their health spa and worked hard at designing food products that would help prevent disease and encourage anti-aging. They developed such breakfast items as corn flakes, grape nuts, granola and coffee alternatives. Because of religious beliefs, the brothers frowned upon the eating of animals unnecessarily. They were Seventh Day Adventist and believed in the power of disease prevention and the power to slow aging.

At that time in history, most of America suffered from some form of constipation. Meats were the breakfast food preferred by most people and their digestive systems suffered greatly. The invention of their popular breakfast cereal “cornflakes” was an accident but became the backbone to their high grain breakfast cereal campaign.

Eating a high fiber diet was discovered to reduce certain kinds of cancer and people took this eating style as a way to improve their quality of life. Today the refining of most grains has eliminated the natural fiber and nutritional benefits. Eating a high alkaline vegetarian diet for breakfast is much more cleansing. Try a variety of juicy fruits to start your day! 

Rid Your Body of Excess Fat And Sugar! 

Any edible food material that passes through the intestinal tract undigested is referred to as fiber. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber forms a jelly-like substance in the intestines and water content in the stool is increased. Soluble fiber is found in citrus fruits, legumes (dried beans), oats, and barley. Researchers have found that soluble fiber decreases blood cholesterol and results in a lower blood sugar reading after meals. 

 Insoluble fiber is famous for increasing your feeling of fullness, stool size, and bulk and helps reduce constipation and hemorrhoids. Insoluble fiber includes wheat bran, whole cereal grains, and vegetables. Researchers have suggested that insoluble fibers may reduce colon cancer. These fibers drag unwanted waste from the digestive system and help prevent toxic waste build up. Meat and dairy products tend to slow down the process.

On the North American continent, people consume less than 50% of the minimum dietary fiber levels required for maintaining optimal health. When you considered the food choices of the younger generations, this number may be lowered to 20%. Most medical guidelines suggest a minimum of 20-35 g/day of fiber for a healthy adult.

No guidelines have yet been set for the elderly or very ill. If you were to eat a high plant food diet of 60-80% alkaline foods then you would easily reach your fiber goals needed for one day. 


Studies show that rural Africans, who eat a diet high in grains and fiber, usually eliminate waste in about one-third of the time it takes people from urban, American cultures. Their stools are larger and softer. Because of the greater bulk and the speed that the food travels through the digestive tract, it is believed that harmful toxic substances are also swept out of the body before they can cause any problems. This is the case in most of the rural communities around the world.

In rural China, the people do not suffer from the same diseases that the people in the large modernized, megacities of China suffer. The people in rural areas tend to eat a vegetarian diet high in alkaline foods. The health situation in the city of Hong Kong is very similar to those found in large American cities.